Who is Tae Yun Kim?
I find the best way to learn more about Tae Yun Kim is to take a deep dive into her writings. Additionally listening to her speak at her various events and awards shows is a great way to get a feel for the confidence that she so passionately speaks of as being within us all.
There are many martial arts demonstrations that you can find as well. While other times you might find Tae Yun Kim preforming an incredible feat of channeling her cultivated inner power. Like laying on a bed of nails and having cinderblocks shattered on top of her. You really have to see it for yourself to get an understanding what she, and therefore we, are truly capable of.

Tae Yun Kim’s Story
There are numerous resources that you can look into about her past experiences. Understanding her past helps to shine a light on the types of struggles she’s been subjected to which ultimately helped to shape her into what she is today. And perhaps what she has always been. Maybe these hardships were simply avenues for her to better understand what she was truly capable of.

Important Concepts
While you learn about Tae Yun Kim it’s almost as if you’re learning about yourself instead. Yes, you are indeed reading about another person’s journey, but we are all connected in someway or another and we’re all human.
Self Motivation
You’ll find yourself reflecting on how her outlook speaks to you and your life and where you can draw similarities in her experiences to your own.
Personal Power
We all have our own personal battles and obstacles to overcome. While they may act and look different they are all opportunities for growth. Overcoming these hardships in life is one of the many keys to helping us personally evolve.
Realize that “I Can’t” usually means “I won’t”!”
- Susan B. Anthony Award, Vermont, 1985
- Appointed as the Ambassador to the Nations for the Asian World Film Festival, 2016
- Appointed as the President of the Advisory Board for the Asian World Film Festival, 2016
- Awarded CEDAW Women’s Human Rights Award in Entrepreneurship from the United Nations’ Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women, 2015
- Appointed as Senior Advisor to the National Unification Advisory Council for the reunification of Korea, 2015
- Honorary Ambassador for State University of New York (SUNY) in Korea, 2012
- Honorary Commander for U.S. Air Force, 2012
- Keynote Speaker, Korean Students’ Association of Canada, Career Conference: Colour Your Path, Ryerson, Univ., Toronto, Canada, February 2012
- Keynote Speaker, Secrets of Business Success, Toronto, Canada, 2012
- Feature Speaker, TaeKwonDo Times 30th Anniversary Event, Cedar Rapids, IA, May 2011
- Feature Speaker, Master’s Way Demonstration, Los Angeles, CA, January 2011
- Keynote Speaker & Demonstration, NowRoz Festival, Great America, Santa
- Redemption Ridge
- Applegate Fire District #9
- Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
- Save the Children
- City Team Ministries
- Make a Wish Foundation
- Christian Children’s Fund
- International Orphanages
- San Jose Family Shelter
- American Cancer Society, “Relay for Life”
- International SOS Children’s Village
- Safe House for Women & Children
- Battered Women’s Shelter
- Special Olympics