- Keynote Speaker, Korean Students’ Association of Canada, Career Conference: Colour Your Path, Ryerson, Univ., Toronto, Canada, February 2012
- Keynote Speaker, Secrets of Business Success, Toronto, Canada, 2012
- Feature Speaker, TaeKwonDo Times 30th Anniversary Event, Cedar Rapids, IA, May 2011
- Feature Speaker, Master’s Way Demonstration, Los Angeles, CA, January 2011
- Keynote Speaker & Demonstration, NowRoz Festival, Great America, Santa Clara, CA, April 2010
- Feature Lecture, Future Memories Seminar, CA, January 2010
- Keynote Speaker & Demonstration, U.S. Women’s Expo, CA, June 2009
- Keynote Speaker, IndoAmerican Community Federation, Unity Dinner, March 2009
- Keynote Speaker, Women’s Health Forum, National Hispanic University, 2005 & 2008
- Keynote Speaker, 150th Celebration of the Pi-Ume-Sha Treaty Signing at the Warm Springs Native American Indian Reservation, Oregon, 2005
- Keynote Speaker, African American Health Summit, 2005
- Keynote Speech, United Nations World Environment Day, San Francisco, CA, 2005
- Featured Speaker, Inspirational Role Model Day, Irvington High School, 2004
- Keynote Speaker, IndoAmerican Community Federation, Unity Dinner 2004
- Keynote Speaker, Third Annual Korean American Women Conference, New York, 2004
- Keynote Speaker, Centennial Celebration of Korean Immigration National Gala, Washington, DC, 2003
- Featured Speaker, 5th Annual Summit for Women, San Francisco, 2003
- Keynote Speaker, US TaeKwonDoWon National Tournament, San Francisco, 2003
- Keynote Speaker & Presenter, African American Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame, 2003
- Keynote Speaker, IndoAmerican Community Federation, Unity Dinner 2002
- Keynote Speaker, NAACP Prayer Breakfast, Sacramento, CA, 2002
- Featured Speaker, 4th Annual Summit for Women, San Francisco, 2001
- Keynote Speaker, Martin Luther King Academic School Women’s Summit, 2001
- Keynote Speaker, Kaiser Permanente Annual Giving Campaign, United Way, 2001
- Featured guest on the Crook & Chase Talk Show on TNN, 1999
- Featured guest on The Howie Mandel Show, 1998
- Featured Speaker, Mastermind Convention, The Peoples Network, Dallas Convention Center, 1997
- Keynote Speaker, Symposium for Health Workers, Stanford University, 1997
- Keynote Speaker, Indian Professional Business Women Conference, 1997

- Advisor to Gyeongsangbuk-Do Province in South Korea for International Cooperation, 2000 – 2016
- Selected as “One of the Most Successful Koreans who Bring Hope to Korea” by Kyunghyang Daily News, 2001
- Hope of the Country of Korea, President Kim Dae Jung
- Life story portrayed in 40-day live broadcast on KBS Radio International, 2002
- Hwang Hee Culture & Art Prize (similar to the Nobel Peace Prize), Seoul, Korea, 2002

- UNITED STATES: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN Headlines, KTSF, KCBS, WABC, New Dimensions Radio, and many more…
- GERMANY: ProSiebenTV
- KOREA: KBS (Human documentary), MBC (Can Do Show, 3 day special), MBC (Never Ending Story), KBS, SBS (Special Documentary), YTN, MBN, ArirangTV, KBS Radio1 (40 day life story documentary, Voice of Freedom message to North Korea)
- JAPAN: TV Tokyo

- Susan B. Anthony Award, Vermont, 1985
- Appointed as the Ambassador to the Nations for the Asian World Film Festival, 2016
- Appointed as the President of the Advisory Board for the Asian World Film Festival, 2016
- Awarded CEDAW Women’s Human Rights Award in Entrepreneurship from the United Nations’ Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women, 2015
- Appointed as Senior Advisor to the National Unification Advisory Council for the reunification of Korea, 2015
- Honorary Ambassador for State University of New York (SUNY) in Korea, 2012
- Honorary Commander for U.S. Air Force, 2012
- Humanitarian Award, Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame, 2012
- Winner, Women of Distinction award, Technology, San Jose/Silicon Valley Business Journal, 2005
- California Legislature, Woman of the Year, 2002
- YWCA’s Tribute to Women and Industry Award, 2002
- Women of Achievement Award (The Women’s Fund), Sports, 1991 and Corporate, 2002
- Award of Recognition, presented by Herald Tribune, MBC, Joong Ang Il Bo, Korea Times & KEMS TV, 2011
- Given title of “Her Excellency” as Prior for Northern California, Grand Officer and Ambassador to South Korea, Japan & China in the Imperial Orders of Constantine the Great and of St. Helen, 2011
- Knighted as Chevalier & Grand Dame in Orders of Constantine the Great & of St. Helen, 2009
- Inducted into the Official TaeKwonDo Hall of Fame; received Lifetime Achievement Award, 2009
- Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, ranked the #1 Best Place to Work in the Bay Area, San Francisco Business Times, East Bay Business Times & San Jose/Silicon Valley Business Journal, 2006
- Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, ranked the #1 Best Place to Work in the Bay Area, San Francisco Business Times, East Bay Business Times & San Jose/Silicon Valley Business Journal, 2005
- Grand Prize & Regional Winner of California Chamber of Commerce’s “Simply Essential Success Stories” contest for the most innovative business leader in California, 2004
- Lifetime Achievement Award, World Sports Center, Los Angeles, 2011
- Award of Merit, Imperial Orders of Constantine the Great & of St. Helen, 2009
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Taekwondo Hall of Fame, 2009
- Certificate of Recognition, Korean American Chamber of Commerce, U.S.A., June 2008
- Chairperson and Host for the historic visit of the North Korean National Taekwondo Demonstration Team, San Francisco, October 2007
- Grand Marshal for the 14th Korean American Olympic Festival, San Francisco, July 2007
- Best of Show, CleanRooms Contamination Control Technology Conference, Boston, MA, 2006
- Certificate of Recognition, 8th Women’s Health Forum, 2005
- Best of Show, CleanRooms Contamination Control Technology Conference & Exhibition, 2005
- Life Story included in book, Unstoppable Women by Cynthia Kersey, 2005
- Certificate of Honor for promoting good will between Korea & the U.S., Board of Supervisors, City & County of San Francisco, 2004
- Shining Star Career Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievements, Korean American Women’s Conference, 2004
- Best Solution to a Problem (Lighthouse), Attendees’ Choice Award, SEMICON West 2003
- Portrayed in “Culture Clash in AmeriCCa” by nationally acclaimed group, Culture Clash, 2003
- Inducted into the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame, Las Vegas, 2002
- Commendation by City of San Jose for Service to the Community, 2002
- Certificate of Honor, City and County of San Francisco, by the Mayor of San Francisco, 2001
- Businessperson of the Year Award, Korean American Chamber of Commerce, Silicon Valley, 1998
- Tae Yun Kim Day, Silicon Valley, February 2, 1998
- Recipient of honorary keys to many US cities

- New York Times
- Seattle Times
- Los Angeles Times
- Miami Herald
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Jose Mercury News
- USA Today
- Body Mind Spirit
- Health World (Cover)
- Fitness Magazine
- TOP Magazine (Cover)
- Hankuk Hwabo – Pictorial Journal of Korea (2 Covers)
- The Financial World Magazine (Cover)
- SF Journal (Cover)
- New World
- American Fitness (Cover)
- Korea Daily News
- San Francisco Examiner
- Chicago Post
- The Business Journal
- The Argus
- San Francisco Business Times
- Myself Magazine (Cover)
- Tae Kwon Do Times (5 covers)
- Inside Karate Magazine
- Star
- Asian Week
- Faces International
- Weekly Morning Korean News
- Wirtschaftswoche
- Taipei Times

- Redemption Ridge
- Applegate Fire District #9
- Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
- Save the Children
- City Team Ministries
- Make a Wish Foundation
- Christian Children’s Fund
- International Orphanages
- San Jose Family Shelter
- American Cancer Society, “Relay for Life”
- International SOS Children’s Village
- Safe House for Women & Children
- Battered Women’s Shelter
- Special Olympics
- Inner City Games/After School All Stars
- Professional Women in Business Association
- Boy Scouts of America
- Elderly Retirement Center of Vermont
- Tri-Cities Children’s Group
- San Jose Rehabilitation and Correctional Center
- Father John’s Homeless Shelter of San Jose
- Adolescent Residential Center (ARC) Program

- SungShin Women’s University, 2012
- Keynote Speaker at Central Force for National Defense Korean Army Base, 2012
- Can Do Now Lecture at Immanuel Church, Seoul, Korea, 2012
- Lecture at SBC Youth Entrepreneurship Program, Ansan, Korea, 2012
- Lecture at Seoul Music High School, 2012
- Featured Speaker at HIM Cultural Magazine event at National Assembly, Seoul Korea, 2012
- Featured Speaker at SUNY, Korea Autumn Festival, 2012
- Special Lecture, Korea Military Academy, 2011
- SBS TV special program Documentary, 2011
- Keynote Speaker for Yukju Educational Foundation, Gyeongsan, 2011
- Keynote Speaker, Sangju Educational Forum, Sangju, 2011
- Human Documentary, KBS-America, 2009
- Neverending Story, “The Return of the Hope of Korea”, Documentary, MBC TV, 2008
- Keynote Speaker, 21st Century Women’s CEO Association, Seoul, Korea, 2004
- Keynote Speaker, Orientation of Incoming Freshmen, Sook Myung University, 2004
- Special Entertainment feature on TV Tokyo, Japan, October, 2004
- Keynote Speaker, National College of Physical Education & Sports, Taiwan, 2003
- Motivational Speech, Wen Shan Women’s Center, Taiwan, 2003
- Keynote Speaker, Chief Doctors and Administration, Mackay Hospital, Taiwan, 2003
- Keynote Speech, Taiwan Covenant Church, Taiwan, 2003
- 3 Day TV Special, Can Do Show, MBC TV, 2001
- Keynote Speaker, Fed. of Korea Industries & Int’l Mgmt Institute, Int’l CEO Forum, Cheju, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Opening Ceremonies of Seoul Int’l Computer Fair, Digital Expo Korea, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Korea Human Development Institute Management seminar, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Lecture at Provincial Government Office, Gangwan-do, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Worldwide Managers Meeting, Coreana Cosmetic Company, 2001
- Featured Guest, KBS International Radio program, 40 day documentary of life story, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Executive Management Meeting, Samsung Corning, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for College of Business & Economics at Yonsei University, 2001
- SBS TV, Good Morning Show, KBS Newsline Special, and MBN News Special, 2001
- Arirang TV, Happy Station Show, 2001
- Jeju MBC lecture TV Special, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture at Cho Dal Chung, Public Procurement Service, Taejon, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture & book signing at Incheon Soong Duk High School, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture at Jinju City Hall, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture at R.O.K. Air University, Taejon, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Lecture at Seoul Metropolitan City Government, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture at Gyeongsangbuk-Do City Hall, 2001
- Keynote speaker for Lecture at Sejong University, 2001
- Keynote Speaker for Management & Medical Professionals at Cheil Hospital, 1996
- Keynote Speaker for Managers at Sang-A Pharmaceutical, 1996

- Seven Steps to Inner Power (translated into 15 different languages)
- Seven Steps to Inner Power Workbook
- Seven Steps to Inner Power Book audio/CD
- The Silent Master: Using Your Inner Power
- The First Element: Secrets to Maximizing Your Energy
- They Call Me Success (Korean)
- Golden Key of the CEO (Chinese version of They Call Me Success)